Productive Vegetable Growing
The Karezza Method
Factors influencing the refrigeration of packages of peaches
$16.34 - $26.95
Factors influencing the refrigeration of packages of apples
Fertilizer Experiments With Greenhouse Tomatoes
$16.34 - $26.95
Marketing Calhoun County Apples
$18.15 - $29.95
University of Illinoins Studies in the Social Sciences march 1919
Fertilizer Experiments with Ten Market-Garden Crops in Cook County, Illinois: Spinach, Lettuce, Beets, Peas, Beans, Tomatoes, Peppers, Carrots, Potatoes, and Cauliflower
Range of Adaption of Certain Varieties of Vegetable-type Soybeans
$16.34 - $26.95
Yields of Asparagus as Affected by Severe Cutting of Young Plantation
Fertilizing Onion Sets, Sweet Corn, Cabbage, and Cucumbers in a Four-year Rotation
$16.34 - $26.95
Eighteen Varieties of Edible Soybeans
$18.15 - $29.95
Fertilizer Experiments With Truck Crops in Southern Illinois
$16.34 - $26.95
Some Factors Influencing the Keeping Quality of Fruit in Transit
$16.34 - $26.95
Fertilizer Experiments With Greenhouse Lettuce and Tomatoes
$16.34 - $26.95
Spraying for the Codling Moth
Marketing the Illinois Apple Crop: Present Practices and Historical Review
Fertilizing Twenty-Five Kinds of Vegetables
Precooling Rail Shipments of Illinois Peaches With Special Reference to the use of Ventilated Packages
$16.34 - $26.95
Life's Beautiful Battle: Or The Human Soul Before Pain, A Study In The Reconciliation
$31.95 - $46.51
Fertilizer experiments with musk melons
Experiments in onion culture
Marketing the muskmelon
Observations on the refrigeration of some Illinois fruits in transit
Dawn Thought On The Reconciliation: A Volume Of Pantheistic Impressions And Glimpses Of Larger Religion
$26.95 - $41.95
Wind-Harp Songs
$19.97 - $30.95
Co-Operative and Other Organized Methods of Marketing California Horticultural Products (Classic Reprint)
$30.95 - $31.95
Tests with nitrate of soda in the production of early vegetables
Growing Tomatoes for Early Market
$18.15 - $29.95
The market for fresh fruits and vegetables in Peoria - Primary Source Edition