- The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills
- The Skillful Teacher: The Comprehensive Resource for Improving Teaching and Learning
- John Adams Promise: How to Have Good Schools for All Our Children, Not Just for Some
- The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills
- Disrupting the Teacher Opportunity Gap: Aligning 12 Processes for High-Expertise Teaching
- Pivot Point International
- Kevin Burke
- Ellen Kisslinger
- Eric Gorr
- Sar Perlman
- Angela M. O'Donnell
- Susan Kay Wright
- Terence J. McGhee
- Gerald J. Sherman
- E.W. Steel
- Gregory A. Remillard
- Sandra Rollins Hurley
- McMillan Publishing
- John Penza
- Trude Dothan
- David R.H. Jones
- Thomas J. Shelford
- Mary Beth McKenzie
- Mary Ann Haley-Speca
- Josh Curtis