- Public Finance and Public Policy
- Health Care Reform: What It Is, Why It's Necessary, How It Works
- Jump-Starting America: How Breakthrough Science Can Revive Economic Growth and the American Dream
- Social Security and Retirement around the World (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)
- Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Fiscal Implications of Reform (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)
- Sheldon M. Ross
- J. Douglas Faires
- Howard Raiffa
- Susanna S. Epp
- Richard L. Burden
- Gilbert Strang
- Alpha C. Chiang
- Robert V. Hogg
- Edward T. Dowling
- Peter Kennedy
- Elliot Tanis
- Olivier J. Blanchard
- Theodore C. Bergstrom
- David Romer
- Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
- R. Duncan Luce
- Robert Everist Greene
- Theodore W. Gamelin
- Jon Bakija
- Kevin Wainwright