- Pharmacology: A Nursing Process Approach
- Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications
- Clinical Calculations: With Applications to General and Specialty Areas
- Handbook of Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid Base Imbalances
- Pearson Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests: With Nursing Implications
- Linda E. McCuistion
- Evelyn R. Hayes
- Sally M. Marshall
- Irene M. Bobak
- Marilyn L. Lamborn
- Barbara K. Scheffer
- Margaret Duncan Jensen
- Julie C. Novak
- Susan Clemen-Stone
- B. Williams
- John P. Pooler
- Thomas S. Leeson
- Marulynn E. Doenges
- Pat Carroll
- Anthony A. Paparo
- Jean Walrand
- Em Olivia Bevis
- Thomas Sydney Leeson
- Trevour Weston
- Carolee Polek