- Growing from Good to Great: Positioning Your Fund-Raising Efforts for Big Gains
- Transforming Fundraising: A Practical Guide to Evaluating and Strengthening Fundraising to Grow with Change (Jossey-Bass Nonprofit and Public Management Series)
- Changing Demographics: Fund Raising in the 1990's - Using Demographics and Psychographics to Improve Your Fund Raising Efforts
- Pinpointing Affluence in the 21st Century
- Lessons from Abroad: Fresh Ideas from Fund-Raising Experts in the United Kingdom
- Gerald H. Twombly
- E. Van Heck
- Sharlene Prinsen
- Erin P. Finley
- Michael Gough
- Tracy Stecker
- Erin McGraw
- Beverly Allred Schroeder
- Ajit Kambil
- Howard H. Brown
- Joseph R. Mixer
- Andrea Jones
- Marion E. Wolf
- Aaron Goldman
- Barbara L. Ciconte
- Janell Shride Amos
- Eric Van Heck
- Richard Livingston
- Earl L. Giller
- Richard M. Eckstein