- Facelift Naturally: The At-Home or Anywhere, Painless, Natural Facelift for Man and Women That Really Works
- A Decade of Sculpture: The New Media in the 1960s
- Home Gde Nat Beauty
- Power Color!: How to Attract Romance, Wealth, Youth, and Vitality and More
- Positively Young!: The How-To Live, Love, Laugh, Let Go and Erase Inner Wrinkles at Any Age : Game Book for Men and Women
- Jim Humphries
- H. Ellen Whitley
- Lillian Lidofsky
- Giorgio Baravalle
- Pets Part of the Family
- Saul Galin
- Susan Feuer
- Himani Bannerji
- Roberta Hamilton
- Norman Henry Johnson
- Richard H. Gebhardt
- H. Ellen Whitely
- Carol L. Chomsky
- Lisa A. Rogak
- The Mission Collective
- Joan Lay
- Janet Mazur
- Warren Lerner
- Deborah Quilter
- Susie Page