Savory British Pasties, Pies, and Puddings
I'm Having a Ball!: Recipes with Testicles
That Old Black Garlic Has Me in Its Spell: Six Best Recipes
The Lead In Your Pencil: A History of Pencil Hardnesses
Tasty Recipes with Naughty Stinging Nettles
Beer in the Ancient World: Recipes from Ancient Civilizations
An English High Tea - Recipes for Gentlefolk
The Joy of Belgian Endives - Tasty Recipes for the Devotee
The Joy of Beans: Recipes for Bean Lovers
The Naughty Celery Recipe Book
The Naughty Book of Eel Recipes: Slippery When Wet
Tasty Recipes For The Toothless
Hot, Hot, Hot Sauce Recipes
Tiptoe Through the Turnips: History, Folklore, and Recipes
The Five Worst Restaurant Dishes I Ever Tried To Eat: Not For The Squeamish
Boiling Eggs for Idiots: A Guidebook for Happy Simpletons
The Gentlewoman's Guide to Flatulence
Groundwork to the Metaphysics of Clarence the Groundhog
Toast: History, Folklore, Recipes
Dr. Pinky Lecter's Liver Cookbook: Recipes from Woollard End Gentlefolk
Keith Pepperell - Photographs Five
Cover to Cover: The Book Covers of Keith Pepperell
Squash: History, Biology, and Some Tasty Recipes
You Naughty Brussels Sprouts You!: Recipes for the Devotee
Binding and Thrusting - Suggestions to Beginning College Students
The Hundred Punch Lines to The World's Greatest Old Jokes
Firm and Moist: The Woollard End Murders: Double Portion Davenport Dinwiddy Mysteries
Dear Old Mum's Kitchen Recipes: Twenty Recipes to Warm the Cockles of Your Heart
Dr. Shoe and Dangerous Doug in the Land of the Giant Cabbages: Dr. Shoe in Alaska
And Some Have Gravy Thrust Upon Them: Recipes Inspired by Shakespeare's Plays