A Year at the Movies: One Man's Filmgoing Odyssey
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Heathers The Musical Vocal Selections
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Fly Fishing in Connecticut: A Guide for Beginners
Social Economics: Market Behavior in a Social Environment
Water for Hartford: The Story of the Hartford Water Works and the Metropolitan District Commission
The Last Dance: The Skywalks Disaster and a City Changed
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The Naked Clone: A Nick Nolte Mystery
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Write Up: Poetry and Prose Anthology by Retford Writers’ Group
World Atlas of Freshwater Macrophytes: Dicotyledonous species I (Acanthaceae – Menyanthaceae) - Volume 1 (Wetlands: Ecology, Conservation and Management, 10)
Saint Augustine School: Hartford
World Atlas of Freshwater Macrophytes: Dicotyledonous species II (Molluginaceae – Tetrachondraceae) - Volume 2 (Wetlands: Ecology, Conservation and Management, 11)
Releases 3/26/2025
Prostitution In The Gilded Age: The Jennie Hollister Story
A Few Murphys From Brockton
Take Me Home
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The Man in Me.: Special Edition
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The Repository
Union Station: Reflections After 100 Years
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Ecosystems: A Functional Approach
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Asexuality and Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysis
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The Land of Perception and Time: A Mystical Journey of Self-Discovery
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Determined to Succeed