- Sorgho and Imphee, the Chinese and African Sugar Canes: A Treatise Upon Their Origin, Varieties, and Culture, Their Value as a Forage Crop, and the ... Vinegar, Starch, and Dye-stuffs : With A...
- The Practical Sugar Planter: A Complete Account Of The Cultivation And Manufacture Of The Sugar-cane, According To The Latest And Most Improved Processes. Describing And Comparing The Different System
- Sorgho and Imphee, the Chinese and African Sugar Canes: A Treatise Upon Their Origin, Varieties, and Culture, Their Value as a Forage Crop, and the Manufacture of Sugar, Syrup, Alcohol, Wines, Beer, C
- L'Imphy ou Roseau sucré des Caffres-Zulu, Holcus saccharatus de Linnée