- The Christian minister, or faithful preacher of the Gospel described. A sermon delivered at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Joel Benedict, at Newent, in Norwich, on the 21st of February, 1771.
- A sermon, on the sacred obligations of Christian ministers to improve their personal sorrows for the benefit of their people: delivered at Preston, on ... Hart ... occasioned by the death of his wife
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Considered and Proved: And the Consequent Truth and Divinity of the Christian System Briefly Illustrated, in a Discourse, on I Corinthians, XV 17: Addressed to the Sec
- A Christian minister described, and distinguished from a pleaser of men. In a discourse Galatians I, 10. at the ordination of the Reverend Abiel Holmes. Addressed to the reverend clergy of Connecticut
- Sketches of the Life of the Late, Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D: Pastor of the First Congregational Church in Newport, Written by Himself, Interspersed with Marginal Notes, Extracted from His Private Diar