Poems./ by Lydia H. Sigourney.
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Letters To Mothers
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Traits Of The Aborigines Of America: A Poem
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Letters to Young Ladies
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Whisper to a Bride
$13.69 - $22.69
The Young Ladies' Offering: Or, Gems of Prose and Poetry, by L. H. Sigourney
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The Daily Counsellor
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How To Be Happy: Written For The Children Of Some Dear Friends
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The Faded Hope
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Sketch of Connecticut: Forty Years Since
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Selections from Various Sources.
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Moral pieces, in prose and verse
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Olive Leaves
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The Girl's Reading-Book: In Prose and Poetry, for Schools
The Religious Souvenir for Christmas and New-Years Presents
The Boy's Book
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Pocahontas, and Other Poems
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Olive Buds
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The Christian's Gift
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Scenes in My Native Land
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Lucy Howard's Journal
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Examples of Life and Death
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