- Ancient double-entry bookkeeping. Lucas Pacioli's treatise (A. D. 1494--the earliest known writer on bookkeeping) reproduced and translated with reproductions, notes and abstracts from Manzoni, Pietra
- De divina proportione
- Ancient Double-entry Bookkeeping: Lucas Pacioli's Treatise (a. D. 1494--the Earliest Known Writer On Bookkeeping) Reproduced And Translated With ... Pietra, Mainardi, Ympyn, Stevin And Dafforne
- Der Traktat Des Lucas Paccioli Von 1494 Über Den Wechsel: Vortrag Gehalten Am 22. März 1878 Vor Dem Kaufmännischen Vereine Von Stuttgart
- Trattato De'Computi E Delle Scritture (1878)