- Budgets and Financial Management in Higher Education
- Critical Issues for Student Affairs: Challenges and Opportunities
- The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration : A Publication of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
- New Futures for Student Affairs: Building a Vision for Professional Leadership and Practice (Jossey Bass Higher and Adult Education Series)
- Developing Effective Student Services Programs (Jossey Bass Higher and Adult Education Series)
- Bobby George
- June George
- Alexander W. Astin
- Ernest T. Pascarella
- Patrick T. Terenzini
- Nathan Clevenger
- George D. Kuh
- Elvira Farrow
- Commission on Non-traditional Study
- AEHE Staff
- Ellen Earle Chaffe
- Lawrence A. Sherr
- Barbara Boyd
- Lion F. Gardiner
- T. Dary Erwin
- Margaret &. Associates St Barr
- Mary K. Desler
- David R. Powers
- Arthur Sandeen