- Sustaining U.S. Nuclear Submarine Design Capabilities
- Monitoring the Progress of Shipbuilding Programs: How Can the Defense Procurement Agency More Accurately Monitor Progress?
- Management Perspectives Pertaining to Root Cause Analyses of Nunn-McCurdy Breaches: Program Manager Tenure, Oversight of Acquisition Category II Programs, and Framing Assumptions
- Prototyping Using Other Transactions: Case Studies for the Acquisition Community
- The United Kingdom's Naval Shipbuilding Industrial Base: The Next Fifteen Years
- Pivot Point International
- Kevin Burke
- Timothy Burke
- David J. Kalupahana
- Eric Gorr
- Sar Perlman
- Terence J. McGhee
- Gerald J. Sherman
- E.W. Steel
- Gregory A. Remillard
- Mary Horsley
- John Penza
- Trude Dothan
- David R.H. Jones
- Thomas J. Shelford
- JoAnn Bortles
- Mary Beth McKenzie
- Sho Fumimura
- Josh Curtis