Manual of Fruit Insects
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The Bud Moth (1893)
The Cherry Fruit-Fly: A New Cherry Pest (1899)
$21.53 - $26.95
The Grape-Leaf Hopper (1904)
The Army-Worm In New York
Collected Reprints, Volume 1...
The Currant-Stem Girdler and the Raspberrycane Maggot
The Black Peach Aphis: Aphis Persicae-Niger
Trap-Lanterns Or Moth Catchers
The Four-Lined Leaf-Bug (1893)
The Horn Fly: Haematobia Serrata
The Palmer-worm
$16.34 - $22.95
The Peach-tree Borer: Sanninoidea Exitiosa Say. Order Lepidoptera
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The Grape-berry Moth
The Grape Root-worm: A New Grape Pest In New York...
The Codling-moth...
Green Fruit Worms
The Quince Curculio
The Bronze Birch Borer: An Insect Destroying The White Birch
The Pistol-Case-Bearer In Western New York
The Common European Praying Mantis: A New Beneficial Insect In America
The Grape-vine Flea-beetle...
The Grape Root-worm: Further Experiments And Cultural Suggestions...
The Ribbed Cocoon-Maker Of The Apple
Wireworms And The Bud Moth
The Columbine Borer: Hydroecia Purpurifascia, G. And R.
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Collected Reprints, Volume 2...
Climbing Cutworms In Western New York...
The Insects Destructive to Fruits
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The Peach-tree Borer...