The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats
Furry Fiction Is Everywhere: A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Anthropomorphic Characters
ROAR Volume 8
Exploring New Places
When a Cat Loves a Dog
Tri-Galactic Trek
Otters In Space 4: First Moustronaut
Voyage of the Wanderlust: A Tri-Galactic Trek Novel
Otters In Space 2: Jupiter, Deadly
Roar Volume 9
The Coyotl Awards Anthology
The Rabbit Dies First
Otters in Space 3 : Octopus Ascending
Luna Station Quarterly: Issue 038
Roar Volume 7
Allasso Volume 1: Shame
ROAR Volume 6
Symbol of a Nation
The Entropy Fountain
The Otter's Wings: A Labyrinth of Souls Novel
The Bee's Waltz: A Labyrinth of Souls Novel
Hell Moon
Beyond Wespirtech: Short Fiction from the Entangled Universe
Welcome to Wespirtech: Short Fiction from the Entangled Universe
The Opposite of Memory: A Collection of Unforgettable Fiction
The Ancient Egg (Xeno-Spectre Book 2)
Otters In Space
Nexus Nine: A Tri-Galactic Trek Novel
In a Dog's World
Brunch at the All Alien Cafe: Short Fiction from the Entangled Universe