Gender Through the Prism of Difference
$5.19 - $120.88
Men's Lives (7th Edition)
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Sex, Violence & Power in Sports: Rethinking Masculinity
$6.59 - $7.89
Power at Play paperback text edition (Men and Masculinity)
$5.49 - $27.49
Out of Play: Critical Essays on Gender and Sport (Suny Series on Sport, Culture, and Social Relations)
Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements (The Gender Lens)
$8.49 - $156.95
Taking the Field: Women, Men, and Sports
$4.79 - $30.35
Gender Reckonings: New Social Theory and Research
Sport, Men, and the Gender Order: Critical Feminist Perspectives
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Child's Play: Sport in Kids' Worlds
$40.95 - $150.00
Some Men: Feminist Allies and the Movement to End Violence Against Women
Guys Like Me: Five Wars, Five Veterans for Peace
$4.39 - $24.32
Unconventional Combat: Intersectional Action in the Veterans' Peace Movement
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Unconventional Combat: Intersectional Action in the Veterans' Peace Movement
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King of the Wild Suburb: A Memoir of Fathers, Sons and Guns
No Slam Dunk: Gender, Sport and the Unevenness of Social Change
It's All for the Kids: Gender, Families, and Youth Sports
$29.95 - $43.89
Masculinities, Gender Relations, and Sport (SAGE Series on Men and Masculinity)
$5.39 - $166.00