- Auto Upkeep: Basic Car Care, Maintenance, and Repair
- Auto Upkeep Workbook: Maintenance, Light Repair, Auto Ownership, and How Cars Work
- Auto Upkeep: Maintenance, Light Repair, Auto Ownership, and How Cars Work (Homeschool Curriculum Kit - Paperback Textbook, Paperback Workbook, and USB Flash Drive)
- Auto Upkeep Workbook: Maintenance, Light Repair, Auto Ownership, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and Next-Generation Vehicles (Including: ... Connected, Electrified, and Software-Defined)
- Auto Upkeep: Maintenance, Light Repair, Auto Ownership, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and Next-Generation Vehicles (Including: Autonomous, Connected, Electrified, and Software-Defined)
- Gerilyn J. Bielakiewicz
- Deanna Sclar
- Dave Kansas
- Dave Miller
- Paul S. Bielakiewicz
- Gerry Roach
- Lizann Dunegan
- Sam Calagione
- Becky Lomax
- Prof. Jones
- Hears New York : Book Division
- Maryann Gaug
- Gail MarksJarvis
- Steve Ledoux
- Mark Highberger
- David Weisberg
- Bridget Kachur
- Sidney J. Smith
- Stephen C. Brewer
- Peggy Wagner