Development Economics for Developing Economies: What Africa needs?
The Clash of the Titans and Other Short Stories
Environmental Conservation Through Ubuntu and Other Emerging Perspectives
African Belief and Knowledge Systems: A Critical Perspective
African Philosophy and Thought Systems. a Search for a Culture and Philosophy of Belonging
Divining the Future of Africa: Healing the Wounds, Restoring Dignity and Fostering Development
The Struggle of African Indigenous Knowledge Systems in an Age of Globalization. a Case for Children S Traditional Games in South-Eastern Zimbabwe
Nhakanomics: Harvesting Knowledge and Value for Re-generation Through Social Innovation
People-Centred Public Works Programmes: A Strategy for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development in sub-Saharan Africa?
Companion of Life. Poems from Zimbabwe
Revelations: Africa in Poetry
Moral Degeneration in Contemporary Zimbabwean Business Practices
Rain Petitioning and Step Child: Plays
Memoirs of an Unsung Legend, Nemeso
Kids: Africa in Childhood Poetry
Gmos, Consumerism and the Global Politics of Biotechnology: Rethinking Food, Bodies and Identities in Africa's 21st Century
Heritage Practices for Sustainability: Ethnographic Insights from the BaTonga Community Museum in Zimbabwe
Media and Technology in 21st Century Higher and Tertiary Education in Africa: Insights from Teachers' Colleges in Zimbabwe
The Russia-Ukraine War from an African Perspective: Special Operations in the Age of Technoscientific Futurism
Africa Focus Debates on Contemporary Contentious Biomedical Issues
Africa at the Crossroads: Theorising Fundamentalisms in the 21st Century
Theorising Development in Africa: Towards Building an African Framework of Development
The Political Economy of Poverty, Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Management: Building Bridges of Resilience, Entrepreneurship and Development in Africa's 21st Century
Death of a Discipline?: Reflections on the History, State, and Future of Social Anthropology in Zimbabwe
Culture, Indigenous Knowledge and Development in Africa. Reviving Interconnections for Sustainable Development
Business and Ethics in a Country with Political, Socio-economic crisis: Business and Business Ethics in Time of Crisis: A Zimbabwean Case Study
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Mastering The Craft: A Professional Studies Textbook For Student Teachers
Lyrics of Reason and Experience
Negotiating Law, Policing and Morality in African. A Handbook for Policing in Zimbabwe
Environment and Natural Resource Conservation and Management in Mozambique