The Effects of Nuclear War
Ballistic Missile Defense Technologies
Neurotoxicity: Identifying and Controlling Poisons of the Nervous System
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Scientific Validity Of Polygraph Testing: A Research Review And Evaluation
Energy from Biological Processes: Technical and Environmental Analyses (Ballinger Energy Series)
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The Effects of Nuclear War: Tutorial on a Nuclear Weapon over Detroit or Leningrad, Civil Defense, Attack Cases and Long-Term Effects, Economic Damage, Fictional Account, Radiological Exposure
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Pharmaceutical R and D: Costs, Risks and Rewards
Water-Related Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture in U.S. Arid/Semiarid Lands
Launch Options for the Future: Special Report
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Tech East West Trade
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Technologies and Management Strategies for Hazardous Waste Control
Patenting Life: New Developments in Biotechnology
Energy from Biological Processes
Water-Related Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture in Arid/Semiarid Lands: Selected Foreign Experience
Oil and Gas Technologies for the Arctic and Deepwater
Energy from Open Ocean Kelp Farms
Biological Rhythms -- Implications for the Worker: New Developments in Neuroscience
$33.69 - $42.47
Marine Minerals: Exploring Our New Ocean Frontier
Biological Components of Substance Abuse and Addiction
Gasohol: A Technical Memorandum
Commercializing High-Temperature Superconductivity
Competing Economies: America, Europe and the Pacific Rim
Emerging Food Marketing Technologies: A Preliminary Analysis
Technologies for Prehistoric & Historic Preservation
Anti-Satelliite Weapons, Countermeasures, and Arms Control
Technologies for Prehistoric and Historic Preservation
Green Products by Design: Choices for a Cleaner Environment
Strategic Defenses: Ballistic Missile Defense Technologies Anti-Satellite Weapons, Countermeasures, and Arms Control
Losing a Million Minds: Confronting the Tragedy of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias