The Pyramid Texts: By EA Wallis Budge
Zarubbabel's Apocalypse: Writ of Pseudepigrapha
The Book of the Round Table
Albion: The Chronicles
Y Gododin and Merlin's Prophecy
The Nine Circles of HELL: Dante Alighieri's La Divina Commedia, Book 1
The MAGUS | Book 1 | by Francis Barrett: a work in occult science and natural philosophy
The Egyptian Temple: A Lexicographical Study
The Quick and the Dead: Five Egyptian Antiquities by EA Wallis Budge
The Story of Amoret and Florimell: Book 4 of the Fairy Queen
The Story of the Beast of the Idyll Forest: Books 5 & 6 of the Fairy Queen by Edmund Spenser
Merlin's Dragons: as edited from the original work of Henry Wheatley
Christian Science: Writings of Mary Baker Eddy Other Than Science and Health
The Book of Revelation: By John of Patmos
The Adventure of Ogier Le Dane
The Legend of Sir Tristan: by Sir Thomas Malory
The Book of Job
A Tale of a Moral: six morality plays
Scriptural Notes: The Book of Commandments
The Book of Merlin
The Story of the Redcrosse Knight
Prophets of the Old Testament
The Disciple of Christ: pseudepigrapha by St. John the Evangelist
The Legend of Sir Alisander: the tournaments of surluse and lonazep
Stories from the Holy Grail: Les Histoires du Haute Graal
Merlin's Battle for Briton: Based PN the History Written by (Wm.) Wace, Titled Roman Le Brut
The Invisible Enoch
The Story of Chastity: Book 3 of the Fairy Queen