- A People and a Nation: A History of the United States
- A People and a Nation: A History of the United States
- History of African Americans in North Carolina
- Slavery Remembered: A Record of Twentieth-Century Slave Narratives
- "What Shall We Do with the Negro?": Lincoln, White Racism, and Civil War America
- Thomas G. Paterson
- Howard P. Chudacoff
- Donald E. Lively
- William M. Tuttle Jr.
- Steven I. Friedland
- Russell L. Weaver
- Philip L. Reichel
- David Pool
- Catherine Hancock
- Robin Paul Malloy
- Göran S. Hydén
- Michel Rosenfeld
- Staff of West Group
- Thomson West
- András Sajó
- Roy J. Ruffin
- Martha Sammons
- Gisbert H. Flanz
- Paul Cammack
- Wendy B. Scott