- National Geographic Countries of the World: India (Countries of the World)
- Japan in the 21st Century: Environment, Economy, and Society
- The Non-Western World: Environment, Development and Human Rights
- Japanese Landscapes: Where Land & Culture Merge
- Leaders in American Geography: Geographic Education
- Ramesh C. Dhussa
- Catherine Barker
- James L. Nolan
- A. Kamala Dalal
- Ammie Enterprises
- Felipe Mercado
- Richard L. Sandhusen
- Guy Mavor
- Sandra Branco
- Peter D. McClelland
- Laxmi Hiremath
- Jay Duhl
- Urie Bronfenbrenner
- Tiffani Chin
- Leslie R. Williams
- Stephen J. Ceci
- Yvonne De Gaetano
- Sarah Shields
- Deborah Valentine
- Ruth Lopez