- The Perfectly Trained Parrot: Fun and Positive Methods for Taming, Socializing, Trick Training, Release and Solving Behavior Problems
- A Parrot for Life: Raising and Training the Perfect Parrot Companion
- Finches (Animal Planet)
- Lift: A Memoir
- Get Out of My Crotch: 21 Writers Respond to America's War on Women's Rights/Reproductive Health
- Irene M. Pepperberg
- Mattie Sue Athan
- Susan M. Bacon
- Leah R. Cutter
- Frédérick Leboyer
- Stephanie Dray
- Carolyn Dunn
- Bill Lewis
- Jane Eagland
- Dianalee Deter
- Stanley A. Salzman
- Risa Teitler
- Gary Clendenen
- Hy Bender
- Brian L. Speer
- Dorothy U. Seyler
- Michael R. Czinkota
- Timothy W. Koch
- Charles J. Stewart
- Farida S.T. Shapiro