Crime and Criminology
$6.39 - $28.79
Crimes Against Nature: Environmental Criminology and Ecological Justice
$11.59 - $240.00
Green Criminology: An Introduction to the Study of Environmental Harm
$91.99 - $240.00
Theorising Green Criminology: Selected Essays
$54.93 - $180.00
Ulysses S. Grant: British Opinion of an American President 1868-1879
Working with Offenders: A Guide to Concepts and Practice
$66.99 - $180.00
Critical Forensic Studies
Critical Forensic Studies
Environmental Harm: An Eco-Justice Perspective
The Lovecraft Generation
Advanced Introduction to Applied Green Criminology
Out of Stock
Feather in the Stream
The Maestro Monologue Playbook
Bubblegum Wasteland
Space Criminology: Analysing Human Relationships with Outer Space
Youth and Society
$128.59 - $153.09
Crime and Society
Juvenile Justice: Youth and Crime in Australia
$43.29 - $75.88
No Space of their Own: Young People and Social Control in Australia (Soviet and East European Studies, 79)
Youth Gangs, Violence and Social Respect: Exploring the Nature of Provocations and Punch-Ups
$59.78 - $60.03
Writers After Dark
Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective
Environmental Crime and Its Victims: Perspectives Within Green Criminology
$69.99 - $180.00
Crime Prevention: Principles, Perspectives and Practices
Innovative Justice
$60.80 - $190.00
Transnational Environmental Crime: Toward an Eco-Global Criminology
$63.86 - $200.00
Climate change criminology
$36.95 - $111.95
The Extinction Curve : Growth and Globalisation in the Climate Endgame
Rethinking Youth
$7.59 - $75.00