- Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions
- Accounting and Financial Reporting for Governmental and Nonprofit Organizations
- Study Guide and Forms
- Developing Communications Skills for the Accounting Profession (Accounting Education Series, V. No. 5.)
- Managerial Accounting: Information for Decisions
- King-Sun Fu
- Elizabeth M. Schneider
- Thomas L. Albright
- Bruce A. Baldwin
- Helen Eckel Mizer
- Josephine A. Morello
- Edward L. Waltz
- Paul Colinvaux
- Robert L. Maziasz
- Byron J. Finch
- Oliver Sims
- William M. Hancock
- Judith Landau-Stanton
- Ronnie Cohen
- Peter Herzum
- Michael C. Newman
- Richard J. Gross
- Julia M. Wondolleck
- Alan Gunn
- John E. Cronan Jr.