- 1,001 Old-Time Garden Tips : Timeless Bits of Wisdom on How to Grow Everything Organically
- Newspapers, Pennies, Cardboard, and Eggs--For Growing a Better Garden: Over 200 New, Fun, and Ingenious Ideas to Keep Your Garden Growing Great All Season Long
- Apples
- Berries
- A Celebration of Heirloom Vegetables: Growing and Cooking Old-Time Varieties
- Jean-Pierre Challet
- Kenneth Irving
- Chuck Pettis
- Alon Confino
- Nicholas Campion
- Leslie A. Miller
- The Crew of Pike Place Fish
- Mim Harrison
- Guy Walton
- Mary T. Bell
- Mary Louise Roberts
- Liz Clark
- Mary Fortier Shea
- Beatrice Ross Buszek
- Maurice McCann
- Amy Herring
- Farnoosh Torabi
- Edward James
- Mercedes Viale Ferrero
- Bryan Jarr