Ol' Man Adam
Oral Traditions and the Verbal Arts: A Guide to Research Practices
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Oral Poetry: Its Nature, Significance and Social Context
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Communicating: The Multiple Modes of Human Interconnection
Oral Literature in Africa (Oxford Library of African Literature)
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Tales of the City: A Study of Narrative and Urban Life
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Studying Family and Community History: Volume 4, Sources and Methods for Family and Community Historians: A Handbook
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Black Inked Pearl: A Girl's Quest
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The Oral and Beyond: Doing Things with Words in Africa
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Limba Stories and Story-Telling
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Time for the World to Learn From Africa
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LITERACY AND ORALITY composition, performance and transmission
The fortieth thief a fairytale for children and not-children
The hidden ordinary: Reflections on the world
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He Came All So Stille; The Home Anthology of Beautiful Verse
The lady and the dragon
Lexicon to New Testament Greek
The Travels and Travails of Music
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Short story writing
Why Do We Quote? the Culture and History of Quotation.
Pearl of the Seas Illustrated
Literacy and Orality
Where is Language?: An Anthropologist's Questions on Language, Literature and Performance
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Voyage of Pearl of the Seas
Modes of Thought in Western and Non-Western Societies
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Africa's Unwritten Literatures