- Del Pane E Della Economia E Coltura De Grani Dissertazione (1782)
- A Nephez Valo Tudositas Mikeppen Kellyen A Maga Egeffegere Vigyazni (1772)
- Advice to the people in general, with regard to their health: but more particularly calculated for those, who, by their distance from regular physicians, or other very experienced practitioners
- Onanism: Or, a Treatise Upon the Disorders Produced by Masturbation: or, the Dangerous Effects of Secret and Excessive Venery By M Tissot, MD Fellow ... of the Medico-Physical Society of Basle
- Three Essays: First, on the Disorders of People of Fashion Second on Diseases Incidental to Literary and Sedentary Persons, Third, on Onanism: By S A ... by Francis Bacon Lee, M Danes, A Hume, MD