- Mémoires Sur L'ancienne Chevalerie: Les Cinq Mémoires Sur L'ancienne Chevalerie, Ptie. I-Iv
- Literary History of the Troubadours: Containing Their Lives, Extracts From Their Works, and Many Particulars Relative to the Customs, Morals, and History of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
- Memoirs of the Life of Froissart: With an Essay On His Works, and Criticism On His History. Translated From the French
- Memoirs of Ancient Chivalry: To Which Are Added, the Anecdotes of the Times, from the Romance Writers and Historians of Those Ages
- Histoire Litt�raire Des Troubadours: Contenant Leurs Vies, Les Extraits De Leurs Pi�ces, Et Plusieurs Particularit�s Sur Les Moeurs, Les Usages, Et L'histoire Du Douzi�me Et Du Treizi�me Si�cles; Volu