- Biblia Sacra Ex Sebastiani Castellionis Interpretatione Eiusque Postrema Recognitione (1701)
- Concerning Heretics, whether they are to be persecuted and how they are to be treated
- Advice to a Desolate France
- Contra Libellum Calvini in Quo Ostendere Conatur Haereticos Jure Gladii Coercendos Esse (A0/00d.1612)
- Trait� Des H�r�tiques: � Savoir, Si on Les Doit Pers�cuter, Et Comment on Se Doit Conduire Avec Eux, Selon l'Avis, Opinion, Et Sentence de Plusieurs Auteurs, Tant Anciens, Que Modernes (Classic Reprin