- A Solemn Warning Against Free-Masonry: Addressed to the Young Men (Classic Reprint)
- An Oration: Delivered, by Appointment, on the Fourth of July, A.D. 1828, in Presence of the Convention of Seceding Free Masons, and a Vast Concourse of Their Fellow-Citizens, at the Presbyterian Churc
- A Revelation of Free Masonry: As Published to the World by a Convention of Seceding Masons, Held at Le Roy, Genesee County, N.Y. on the 4th and 5th of July, 1828: Containing a True and Genuine Develop
- Oration: Delivered by Appointment of the Committees of the Corporation, and the Several Civic and Military Societies, of the City of Albany, at the Methodist Episcopal Church in North Pearl Street: In
- A View of the Origin, Powerful Influence and Pernicious Effects of Intemperance: Supported by Spriptural Authority: Being an Address Delivered Before the First Ward Temperance Society of the City of A