A Federal Constitution for a Federal Britain
The End of the House Windsor: Birth of a British Republic
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Varieties of Anti-Americanism: Reflex and Response
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The Super-Rich: The Unjust New World of Global Capitalism
Eurocommunism, Implications for East and West
Tragedy of Labour (Mainstream series)
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Meltdown - How the 'Masters of the Universe' Destroyed the West's Power and Prosperity
Battle For Britain: Thatcher and the New Liberals
Sidekick. Bulldog to Lapdog: British Global Strategy from Churchill to Blair
Meltdown UK - There Is Another Way
The Grand Delusion: Britain After Sixty Years of Elizabeth II
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The Gaitskellites: Revisionism in the British Labour Party 1951-64
The English Tribe: Identity, Nation and Europe
A European Foreign Policy? Decision-Making in European External Policy