- Introduction to Policing
- Juvenile Justice: A Guide to Theory, Policy, and Practice
- Research Methods and Statistics in Criminal Justice: An Introduction (with InfoTrac)
- Research Methods in Criminal Justice: An Introduction (Nelson-Hall Series in Law, Crime, and Justice)
- Six Themes On Variation (Student Mathematical Library, V. 26)
- Richard H. Cox
- Francis T. Cullen
- Richard A. Ball
- Sheri R. Colberg
- Jerre Stead
- Robert Agnew
- Jim Haudan
- Jennifer M. Allen
- John T. Whitehead
- Joseph E. Jacoby
- Mark Costanzo
- Nicole Hahn Rafter
- James W. Burfeind
- Robert D. Hanser
- Eric Stephan
- Peter Crocker
- John J. Conrad
- Sandy Allgeier
- John E. Morley
- Alan Bruce