- The Toltec Way
- Finding The Sacred Self: A Shamanic Workbook
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Short Meditations (Complete Idiot's Guide to)
- Mastering the Toltec Way: A Daily Guide to Happiness, Freedom, and Joy
- The Complete Encyclopedia of Angels: A Guide to 200 Celestial Beings to Help, Heal, and Assist You in Everyday Life
- David Strorm
- Jeffrey S. Harrison
- Théun Mares
- Jane Raeburn
- Lisa P. Callahan
- Robin Heerens Lysne
- Universe Publishing
- Bob Nozik
- Leo Kim
- Donald Nicholl
- Don Miguel Ruiz
- Devakinanda Vithal Pasupuleti
- Carol A. Wilson
- Margaret McCraw
- Elizabeth Atkinson
- Steven Scholl
- Beust
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- John B. Vinturella
- Sandra Lee Dennis