- A Sermon Preached in Milton on the Morning and at Dorchester in the Afternoon of the 9th of May, 1798: Being the day Recommended by the President of the United States for Solemn Humiliation, Fasting,
- Memorials of the First Church in Dorchester: From Its Settlement in New England, to the End of the Second Century: In Two Discourses, Delivered July 4, 1830.
- Discourses, delivered on public occasions: illustrating the principles, displaying the tendency, and vindicating the design, of Free masonry
- Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe
- The Natural History Of The Bible: Or, A Description Of All The # Birds, Fishes, Reptiles & Insects, Trees, Plants, # Precious Stones, Mentioned In The ... Best Authorities, And Alphabetically Arranged