- Prophecies, Book 2: The Law of God on Marriage, the Smithing of the Carcass of the Roman Beast, the Burden of the Bird from the South (187
- The Battle of the Channel Tunnel and Dover Castle Forts. A letter ... with some corrections and modifications, to the Right Honourable Wm. Ewart ... author to every Member of the Legislature.
- The Enemy on the Tide: The Coastal Defences of England from the Roman Period to the 19th Century
- The Battle of the Channel Tunnel and Dover Castle and Forts: A Letter (March 11th, 1882, But with Some Corrections and Modifications) to the Right Honourable Wm. Ewart Gladstone, M.P., First Lord of t
- Prophecies of ... Thomas Berney. a New Ed. Book 2 [In 4 Pt.]