- Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel Des Arts Et Des Sciences, Franaois, Latin Et Anglois. T. 2: : Contenant La Signification Des Mots de Ces Trois Langues Et Des Termes Propres...
- Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel Des Arts Et Des Sciences, Franaois, Latin Et Anglois. T. 1: : Contenant La Signification Des Mots de Ces Trois Langues Et Des Termes Propres...
- A new general English dictionary (Anglistica & Americana)
- A new General English Dictionary; Peculiarly Calculated for the use and Improvement of Such as are Unacquainted With the Learned Languages. The Eleventh Edition
- English Particles Latiniz'd: Or, a Compendious Improvement of the Doctrine of English and Latin Particles, Deliver'd Familiarly and Plainly, by Way of ... Revis'd, and Corrected, by MR Thomas Dyche