- Intuitive Ic Op Amps: From Basics to Useful Applications (Nationals Semiconductor Technology Series)
- Intuitive Operational Amplifiers: From Basics to Useful Applications (McGraw-Hill series in intuitive IC electronics)
- Intuitive Integrated Circuit Electronics
- Intuitive Ic Electronics: A Sophisticated Primer for Engineers and Technicians (Mcgraw Hill Series in Intuitive Ic Electronics)
- Eskimo Diary
- Steve F. Krar
- Robert Donald Smith
- Raymond J. Sacks
- David Perlman
- James E. Palmer
- Steven E. Schwarz
- John Reeder
- Edmond C. Tomastik
- Arthur F. Kramer
- Ray Ryan
- Victor E. Repp
- Joseph V. St. Amand
- John V. Wait
- J. Eldon Whitesitt
- Mohamed Rafiquzzaman
- Willard J. McCarthy
- Wilhelm Miller
- Weng Fook Lee
- Curtis D. Motchenbacher
- Larry L. Kinney