Herringbone Cloak: GI Dagger Marines of the OSS
The Syrian Intervention in Lebanon 1975-76
Harriet Tubman: A "Servant" Leader
Norwich University: Citizen Soldiers in the Civil War
Commander's Intent of Major General Joseph Hooker during the Chancellorsville Campaign
The Forgotten Battle That Saved Washington's Winter Campaign of 1776: The Second Battle of Trenton and Maneuver Warfare
General Washington and the Formulation of American Strategy
The Tullahoma Campaign: The Beginning of the End for the Confederacy
Shared Blame (Inertial Leadership, Indiscipline, and Horse Blinders): The Failure of the "Other" Confederate Cavalry Brigades During the Gettysburg Campaign ... May-1 July 1863)
Primordial Violence: German War on the Soviet Partisans
Destiny: The Influence of The Enlightenment, The Great Awakening and the Frontier
The Effects of Terrorism on U.S. Foreign Policy: Learning from the Past
The Falaise Pocket. World War II Allied Encriclement of the German Armies. Failure or Success of the Allied
Tarawa to Okinawa: The Evolution of Amphibious Operations in the Pacific During World War II
Influencing Helmand: United States Marine Corps Operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in 2008
Architect of Union Victory? Montgomery Meigs, Jomini and Union Success in the American Civil War
"The Red-Legged Devils", Brooklyn's Best Regiment
Light Armored Reconnaissance: Misunderstood and Underemployed in Deep Operations
The Finnish Campaigns: Failure of Soviet Operational Art in World War II
Redskins in Bluecoats: A Strategic and Cultural Analysis of Gneral George Crook's Use of Apache Scouts in the Second Apache Campaign, 1882-1886
General Francis Marion The Swamp Fox and Marine Corps War Fighting Doctrine
Maintaining the Marine Corps' Tank Combat Dominance in an Uncertain Future
Seabees: National Instrument of Power Projection
$12.95 - $14.70
The United States of Europe: The Evolution of European Unity, 1918-2001
Cross-Domain Synergy: Warfare in the 21st Century
USMC Relocation to Guam: Political Pressure and Poor Planning to Blame for an Ill-Postured U.S. Military in the Pacific
Just War and Preemption: The Just War Tradition and its Impact on Preemptive Acts
21st Century Military Reform: Preparation for Future Threats
Israel: Strategic Asset or Strategic Liability
Inside the Lines: Mead’s Victory at Gettysburg