- A Peacock in the Land of Penguins: A Tale of Diversity and Discovery
- TQ Manager: A Practical Guide for Managing in a Total Quality Organization (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series)
- Is it always right to be right?
- The Race Without a Finish Line: America's Quest for Total Quality (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series)
- Is It Always Right to Be Right? : A Tale of Transforming Workplace Conflict into Creativity and Collaboration
- Mary Burner Lippit
- T.J. Walker
- Ed Labinowicz
- Harold W. Dickhut
- David T. Conley
- Virginia Seeley
- Helen Kirk
- Steven Leinwand
- Norman Rudnick
- Barbara Muncaster
- Charles A. Kroloff
- Daniel Hamilton
- Rosemarye Taylor
- Texas A & M University
- Judy W. Eby
- Rosemarie Stallworth-Clark
- Ronald T. Hyman
- Thomas A. Boyle
- Dennis A. Rohatyn
- Aya