- Looking Up at Down: The Emergence of Blues Culture
- From Cakewalks to Concert Halls: An Illustrated History of African American Popular Music from 1895 to 1930
- Voice Over Pb
- Character and Reward of a Just man: a Funeral Discourse, Commemorative of the Life, and Virtues, of
- Bishop Barlowe's Dialogue On The Lutheran Factions
- Richard Dominick
- Hugh Pearson
- Paul Robeson
- Dennis Wepman
- Kenji Jasper
- Paul Robeson Jr.
- Ethyne Rose
- Julianne Malveaux
- Coats Sewing Group
- Daniel Pearlman
- National Urban League
- Patricia Sowell Harris
- Stephanie J. Jones
- Milton K. Berlye
- Willard Jenkins
- Honor Gillott
- Richard Perlman
- Charles H. Karelis
- Kelvin Shawn Sealey