- A Nest Of Wasps Lately Found Out And Discovered In The Law Countries, Yielding As Sweet Honey As Some Of Our English Bees
- A Neaste of Waspes Latelie Fovnd Out and Discouered in the Law-Countreys, Yealding as Sweete Hony as Some of Our English Bees
- A Satirical Dialogue a Satirical Dialogue: Or a Sharplye-Invectiue Conference, Between Allexander the Gor a Sharplye-Invectiue Conference, Between a
- A satirycall dialogue, or, a sharplye-invective conference betweene Allexander the Great and that truely woman-hater Diogynes; From a unique copy in the British Museum
- A Satirycall Dialogue; Or, a Sharplye-Invective Conference Betweene Allexander the Great and That Truely Woman-Hater Diogynes