- The Veil of Isis, Or Mysteries of the Druids
- The Martyrdom of Man
- Savage Africa: Being the Narrative of a Tour in Equatorial, Southwestern, and Northwestern Africa; With Notes on the Habits of the Gorilla; On the Existence of Unicorns and Tailed Men; On the Slave Tr
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- The Outcast
- Yehuda Ashlag
- Sandra Moss
- Tommy Wieringa
- Sarah Moran
- Claudia Delys
- David S. Ariel
- Nancy Liebler
- Bill Holmes
- Stephanie Fitzgerald
- François-Louis Ganshof
- Pt. Shyamsundeer Shastri
- Charles Kightly
- Duncan Sprott
- M. Chris Fabricant
- Mustafa El-Amin
- Lester Meera
- Kenneth Anderson
- Gwynfor Evans
- Konstantin Nossov
- Philip A. Stadter