- An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods: Applications to Physical Systems (3rd Edition)
- Physlet Physics: Interactive Illustrations, Explorations and Problems for Introductory Physics
- Physlet(R) Quantum Physics: An Interactive Introduction (Educational Innovation- Physics)
- An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods : Applications to Physical Systems
- Just-in-Time Teaching: Blending Active Learning with Web Technology (Prentice Hall Series in Educational Innovation)
- Jonathan Wickert
- T.J. Walker
- Ed Labinowicz
- David T. Conley
- Doug Vidler
- Helen Kirk
- Asher Tarmon
- Stephen A. Ward
- Charles A. Kroloff
- Daniel Hamilton
- Tom Love
- Albert G. Giordano
- Judy W. Eby
- Gordon Pattison
- Peter Sheahan
- U.S. Navy Bureau of Naval Pe
- Robert H. Halstead Jr.
- Ezri Uval
- Laird Blackwell
- Dennis A. Rohatyn