By Ashly Moore Sheldon • January 28, 2025
As Valentine's Day approaches, we're indulging in our favorite guilty pleasure—romance novels! We love love! Our newest poll takes a look at the secret lives of romance readers. Read on for all the juicy details!
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • November 03, 2024
Here at Thriftbooks, we spend a lot of time thinking about the kinds of books our customers will enjoy. During the holidays, that extends to the books our customers would most like to give (and receive) as gifts. Our newest poll looks at book gifting trends. Here are some of the compelling stories we unwrapped.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • July 25, 2024
Our newest survey found that Americans are consuming 50 percent more internationally produced TV shows and books than they were five years ago. This proved to be true across generational and gender lines. One of the most popular forms of international content is manga, a style of Japanese comic books.
By Amanda Cleveland • February 06, 2024
Last month, in a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of ThriftBooks, 2,000 romance novel lovers shared their thoughts and opinions about the genre and their favorite characters. Read on to see what we learned about Romance vs. Real Life.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • December 17, 2023
Our newest survey with OnePoll asked 2,000 U.S. adults how they feel about the self-help genre. And what we learned gave us a whole new way of looking at things.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • November 14, 2023
Our most recent survey with OnePoll asked 2,000 U.S. adults about their reading habits and what they look for in a book. And what we learned painted an illuminating portrait.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • July 20, 2023
Thriftbooks enlisted OnePoll to survey 2,000 U.S. adults who read regularly to learn about the science (and magic) behind getting lost in a book. And what we learned turned into a captivating read.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • April 25, 2023
Thriftbooks enlisted OnePoll to survey 2,000 parents with school-age kids about the reading traditions they grew up with and how they are continuing them as parents. And what we learned turned into a pretty sweet story.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • December 04, 2022
In our ongoing efforts to learn more about our customers, Thriftbooks enlisted OnePoll to survey 2,000 Americans about the ways that their social media activities impact their entertainment choices. We learned some interesting things. Read on for our takeaways.
By ThriftBooks Team • October 25, 2022