This adorable coloring book for children features 100 different animals to color. Inside you'll find a huge collection of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and more. Each critter is drawn as a smiling animal cartoon in bold, simple lines. Great for small children who are learning about animals or any kid who is an animal lover. A fun and educational coloring book for kids
Inside you'll find the following animals: AlligatorAntelopeBaboonBadgerBatBeaverBisonButterflyCamelCatChameleonCheetahChickenChinchillaChipmunkCockatielCougarCowCrabDeerDogDolphinDonkeyDuckEagleElephantEmuFerretFishFlamingoFoxFrogGeckoGerbilGiraffeGoatGooseGorillaGrizzly BearGroundhogGuinea PigHamsterHippoHorseHyenaIguanaJackalJellyfishKangarooKoalaLemurLeopardLionLlamaMeerkatMoleMonkeyMooseMouseOctopusOpossumOstrichOtterOwlOxPandaParrotPeacockPenguinPigPlatypusPolar BearPorcupinePrairie DogQuokkaRabbitRaccoonRatRhinoRoosterSeahorseSealSeagullSharkSheepSkunkSlothSnakeSquirrelSwanTigerToucanTurkeyTurtleWalrusWarthogWhaleWombatWolfZebraAdditional Details: Printed on high-quality paper.Large, bold images are perfect for children just learning to color.Great for teachers of kindergarten and preschool.Relevant Categories: Animal Coloring Books for Kids * Cute Animals * Childrens Coloring Books * Toddler Coloring Books * Educational Coloring Books * Animal Cartoons * Zoo Animals * Wild Animals * Animal Species
A great gift for young animal lovers What's your favorite animal?