An entertaining and informative look at the lives of the visual artists who challenged traditional means of expression to broaden human perception. Through the mediums of painting, sculpting, and photography, these artists were storytellers of the society they perceived or one they wished to create.
Jam-packed with interesting facts and wonderfully illustrated, the lives of the 100 men and women, whose art transcended their own mortality, are revealed through their escapades with official dignitaries, their travels and hobbies, their experiments in living for the sake of art, and more. Included are notary artists such as Leonardo da Vinci who performed autopsies to gain a preliminary knowledge of the human body and the circulatory system, to the careers of the artists before they could claim the title, such as Vincent van Gogh's interim as an evangelist minister.
Beginning with the classical foundations of Greek sculpture to the silk screen pop art of Andy Warhol, 100 Artists Who Shaped World History provides an engaging personal and concise account of the men and women revered as masters of their trade, the developments of artistic techniques and mediums of expression, as well as the influence on cultural and social developments around the world and throughout history.
Engaging one page synopses of 100 artists of major importance in chronological order, illustrated, time line, trivia quiz, locator map. Another in the popular 100 Series.
Includes men and women throughout history and from around the worldFascinatingfacts on each individualConcise accounts of accomplishmentsComplete index with cross referenceContains a fun trivia quizFully illustratedLocator map to illustrate place in historyA perfect desk referenceMakes history fun and easy to learn