We are living in a world where everything is fast-paced, and technology is the norm. But what do you think would happen if you took a few minutes to bring joy into someone's life? What do you think would happen if you committed to performing a small token of kindness every week for a year? Do you think a small act could affect someone's life? Do you think you would feel differently? Well, I challenge you to take the plunge and look for opportunities to show kindness to someone; and at the end of a year, you decide whether being kind is worth the effort.
To get you started, I listed 150 plus 1 acts of kindness you can try, but don't stop there. Add to the list as ideas come to your mind. Once you get your palate wet, you may decide to show kindness to others for the rest of your life.
P. S. Enjoy your quest I hope you find valuable treasures along the way.