The world is a very huge and beautiful place and one of the best things we can do in it is to travel around, discover new things, new people and new places. Each year, hundreds of millions of people leave their homelands and travel to other countries around the world as visitors and tourist. While most countries throw their arms wide open in welcome, some others do not.
Americans and Europeans make up the majority of visitors and tourists and their powerful passports, high-value currency, and superior financial abilities give them a huge advantage. They can get into so many countries without a visa, and travel agencies are only too glad to help bend the laws to get them access into restricted one.
Among some of the most exotic and beautiful countries in the world are some of the most dangerous. Several are even classified as 'tourist nations' by the UN's World Tourism Organization, UNWTO, thanks to the complete absence of adequate data, and with profit-minded travel agencies promoting their good side vigorously, a lot of tourists and other such visitors often end up there without the faintest idea of what they have gotten into until it's too late.
In this well-illustrated book, 17 BEAUTIFUL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD THAT HATE VISITORS AND TOURISTS, author George Kennedy, by knowledge and experience gathered from his long travels on different continents, brings you a comprehensive list of some of the most dangerous countries in the world you must never travel to regardless of their exotic beauty.
You're about to discover 17 beautiful countries of the world that, for one reason or the other, hate visitors and tourists. Among these are Lands where it's very dangerous to be an American or a European, the consequence of which can be torture, imprisonment, or the death sentence, which will be carried out in the worst kind of ways, such as stoning, firing squad or beheading.
Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...This book "17 Beautiful Countries of the World That Hate Visitors and Tourists: Where It's a Death Sentence to Be American or European" brings you a lot of interesting information and knowledge in one place.
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Tags: Islamic terrorism, Hate America, Political warfare, Beautiful country, Traveling books, Countries of the world, Death sentence, Hate America book, Dangerous nation, Dangerous people, tourists and tourism a reader, travel books, Bad places to die, the most evil dictator in history, they hate America, ancient African history, ancient history, ancient civilizations, ancient civilization history, religious persecution, religion, terrorism